Finally ready! A collaborative effort with Dona’s son, Dean Smith, who is a poet and writer extraodinaire himself, Larry Lowrimore, Dona’s husband, and yours truly.

We’ve been working on it for the last 6 months, and we think it’s terrific! For those of you who have met Dona, it will give you insight to her true self. It’s a part of her that I never knew existed until after she died. It is available in USA on and in Europe at
What follows is the first part of the Dedication of the book, written by her son, Dean. It’s just a teaser. Buy the book and get the rest! All proceeds from the sale of this book will go to cancer research.
As she lay dying, my mother told me a story that I’d never heard before. She’d spent parts of summers at the Wee Green, a restaurant for the farmers and working types in western Pennsylvania established by her Neapolitan grandparents Pietro and Filomena (Elizabeth) Ciampi. During prohibition, it was a speakeasy. Dona would play outside by herself, inventing games on the long driveway that led to the front door.
7 replies on “Dona’s Poems”
I was so happy to see Dean’s email announcement about this, and ordered the book right away. I didn’t realize you had collaborated with him on the book, but think that is just so very right. Whenever Dona spoke of you, she always said “Mary Wilson, Mary Wilson” twice – as if you were one of the most loved friends. Like you, I never knew of Dona’s writing and am so very moved to know it is now collected and possible to share. Thank you! (And I don’t know if you recall the one time I met you at your home, and we had a lovely visit on your magical terrace.)
(Dona and Larry called me Donna Due)
Ciao Donna,
Of course I remember you Donna Due! Most of the poems were hand written and some typed. I scanned them all plus the pictures and some of the “musings” that Larry found and we included them just for a personal touch. Dean typed some and I typed some and then reformatted them for publishing. It was a labor of love.
Enjoy the book!
I just ordered my copy!
Mary, I ordered my copy today. Looking forward to reading her poems. I will thank you in advance for assisting in getting her poems published. Will provide feedback once I have read her collection of poems. Just reading her bio makes me realize what a remarkable women Dona Carol Bartoli was. Warmest regards, Jeff
Hi Mary
Thanks so much for sharing this.
Will order
Take care,
Good for the three of you. it’s a great remembrance.
Such a wonderful tribute and remembrance of a remarkable woman and dear friend.
Will order!
Ciao for now,