
America’s Philosophy?

“He hosted a super-spreader event to honor a justice who would have the government control your body but refuse the duty to care for it, and when the virus he helped go around came around, he availed of the healthcare he would deny others, financed by the taxes he refuses to pay” (Anand Giridharadas )

I couldn’t have said it better. In one sentence, Giridharadas has summed up the philosophy of Trump and his cohorts in the Senate and House. And his call-to-arms to right-wing militarists (“Stand Back and Stand By”) only pushes the country closer to anarchy, if not armed conflict.


Pride Cometh Before a Fall

The good news is: I don’t have Corona Virus.

The bad news is: How I came to find that out.


A Distant Time-A New Perspective

Looking into the mirror today, I hardly recognize the person looking back at me. So I think perhaps a little snip here, a little tuck there, and I might like the look of that stranger in the mirror. After all, some of my friends have had a bit of work done. Why not me? Then I realize, that’s not who I am or ever was. If I don’t look in the mirror (and there are many days that I don’t), I still see myself as that tall, thin, gangly teenaged tomboy. And truthfully, except for the occasional ache or pain, I still feel that way.


God Loves All Creatures

Co Creature

Hi Vid, nice to see you. It looks like we’re maybe going to be laid off soon. The weather’s warming up and our hosts seem to have finally got the message that physical distancing puts a cramp in our style.

Hello Co, yeah, these humans really are hard-headed. They think they’re such a superior species. But we’ve had a hell of a run! We’ve even topped our Great-Great Grandfathers, those Spanish guys. Of course, everyone knows we Chinese have the best viruses!



In Italian, the word dona is the third person singular of the verb DONARE, which means to give. She gives!

And give she did!

How back in 1942, her parents, who spoke Italian at home, knew to give her that name instead of the more common Donna, is a mystery. How did they know she’d become the most giving person in the world?

And give she did!

Ask anyone who ever met her and they’ll all tell you how she immediately took them into her heart and pronounced them BFF (Best Friend Forever).